Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Children are Crying, is Anyone Listening?

“And the Lord answered me, and said: write the vision, and make
 it plain upon tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision
 is yet for an appointed time; but at the end, it will speak and it will
 not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come.
 It will not tarry.”  
                                                    - Habakkuk 2: verses 2 and 3.

Last night, I heard the cries of babies, small children screaming in fear,
crying for their moms and dads.

What’s happened to our country?  Who are we, as Americans, that we can
sit back and be somber as breast feeding infants and small children are
being ripped from their mothers arms.  Fathers being handcuffed and put
in holding cells, separated from their wives and children. What have we

What’s happened to our ideals and the moral fiber of who we are as a people,
as a powerful nation? What’s happened to the principles we hold dear to our
hearts, that sets us apart from the very people we call our enemies?

As I sit here and pour my heart out on these pages, I hear the sounds of children
crying and screaming to be with their parents playing over and over in my
mind.  In my heart, I hear a faint whisper saying, this is not how you show love
for one another, as I have shown you.

We as Americans have been blessed to live in a country where we have the
freedom to speak out, to worship as we please, go and come as we please, to
take part in electing those who govern our country.  We don’t know what it’s
like not to have these freedoms. But, how are we truly free when children who
for no fault of their own are stripped out of the arms of their mothers and fathers
and placed in holding cells, with their cries going unheard and ignored?

When the President says Let’s make America great again, is this how he and
his comrades think is the way to get it done?

I say, Mr. President, America is and always has been a great country.  We’ve
fallen short on a lot of things and turned our back on God to a certain degree,
but yet, we’re still a blessed country. You, Mr. President, are contributing to
the very swamp you claimed you would drain.

If I were physically able to go to those detainment centers and reach out to
each and every child that’s crying, I would hug each one, and apologize for
the inhumane treatment they are experiencing.

As a mother, my heart hurts for these innocent children. As an American, I
am sickened as I watch politicians night after night cast blame on each other
as the children continue to cry.

Lady Liberty stands in the harbor with her arm lifted up in pride for who we
are as a country. Once, we welcomed immigrants here to work, pursue an
education and raise a family. Now, we call them murderers and rapist and say
Go back to where you came from, you are no longer welcome here.

Many of my ancestors fought, bled and died just to be treated and respected
as human beings. I speak on their behalf when I say this can’t be the country
they gave their lives for.  Complacency and apathy has set in like mold,
covering and drowning out decency, humility and compassion.

When did this happen to us?
When did we become a nation of greed, hypocrisy, self indulgence and
cold heartedness?

Harsh words for harsh times!

Let’s make America care again, love again, welcoming again. If we would
show love and compassion, we could end this torturing and dividing
evil that’s come upon us and taken captive our country and the values we hold
dear to our hearts.

Many politicians have taken to reciting scriptures to give merit to their
sadistic behavior.  Using the word of God to bend it to fit their purpose.
They seemed to have skipped over the part where Jesus said to show love
to one another, as He has shown love to us by sending His son to die on a
cross.  That’s amazing love!

The children are crying, is anyone listening?

                                                                                     -Betty Badgett

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Love Passed this Way, revision 1

                                               by Betty Badgett

                                          Love passed this way today.

                                         What did it look like? How did it feel?

                                          It came suddenly, in the cool gentle breeze

                                          that engulfed me as I stood outside my door

                                          gazing up toward Heaven.

                                          I saw it again in a smile on the face of a stranger

                                          I passed as I strolled along a busy street in


                                          Love passed this way as the sun began to set as it

                                          does every evening, only today, I slowed down long

                                          enough to take in the glory and radiance of the golden

                                           hews as it slowly and steadily descended between the

                                           giant trees and massive hills.

                                           Love passed this way today, in the voice of a friend on the

                                           phone.  The laughter, the quiet moments, the conversation

                                           we shared. Love passed this way, while watering my garden

                                            In the cool, crisp morning air.  Basking in the bright red

                                            colors of my rose bush, the yellow daffodils and purple wild


                                           I know if love had a face, this is how it would look.

                                           Love passed this way today, simply because it always does,

                                           In our busyness, we are often to preoccupied to notice.

                                           Did love pass your way today? I’m sure it did. In your quiet

                                           moments, when reflecting on those you love and hold dear

                                           you’ll know that love is there.

                                           Love comes to us in many ways.  In the battles we’ve won

                                           or lost, the tears and laughter we’ve shared with someone

                                           special in our lives.  Believe it or not, love is with you even


                                           Look for it, feel it, embrace it and give thanks for it, and then

                                           pass it on !